Advantages of LED Tube Light

22/09/2013 11:49

 1,A long working life: LED Tube Light solid-state light-emitting device as a semiconductor, compared to other light-emitting device has a longer working life. Its brightness half-life is usually up to one hundred thousand hours.

2, low power consumption: LED Tube Light is a low-voltage operation device, so at the same brightness, minimum power consumption, can greatly reduce energy consumption. On the contrary, with the future development of processes and materials will have a higher luminous efficiency.

3, fast response time: LED Tube Light generally be in the tens of milliseconds response, it is a high-speed device, which is unmatched by other sources. To produce cars with LED Tube Light brake lights at high speed, greatly improving the car's safety.

4, small size: light weight, resistance to fight, this is a solid semiconductor devices inherent characteristics. Color LED Tube Light can produce all kinds of fine clear display.

5, easy dimming, color, controllability Large: current changes can control the brightness, different wavelengths can also be configured to implement the LED Tube Light color Bana and regulation. LED Tube Light light source applications in principle, hand sound limit can be extremely strong and can be arbitrarily eyes, realize modular assembly. Current large-screen color display non-LED Tube Light perfectly.

6, with the LED Tube Light light source does not exist, such as the production of a watermark, environmental pollutants such as lead, does not pollute the environment. Therefore, it is the LED Tube Light light source become a "green" light is well-deserved.