GCL LED Tube Has Many Advantages Over Fluorescent Tube Lights

25/12/2013 10:11

 LED tube lights and fluorescent tube lights are popular lights that can be regarded as main lighting systems in the world. However, as a cost effective choice, LED tube lights win higher reputation and is more hot sale among global buyers for many of its advantages. The advantages can be shown on its lower cost, higher quality, less performance problems and less maintenance requirements and so forth.

In comparison with fluorescent light, LED tube costs more upfront. The cost of the fluorescent tube lights is near $ 25. Perhaps, the cost of buying LED tube lights is higher than buying fluorescent light, but in long run, the maintenance cost and electricity charges of fluorescent light will be much higher than LED tube lights. What's worse, the air conditioning loads are higher with fluorescent tubes and increase running costs.

LED tube lights are free from risk of injury. In general, the broken fluorescent tube will bring users of the space to laceration injury from glass shards. The mercury content of fluorescent tube will further complicate matters, which will slow down healing, and reduce blood colthing and increase the damage risk. Using LED tube lights can help avoid such problems.

LED tube has superior power quality. As you may know, fluorescent light has poor power factors and in large scale installation settings. So, the power quality of fluorescent light is lower than LED tube lights. What's more, a typical fluorescent light operates at 900 volts or more.

LED tube can be used for both indoor and outdoor areas in different temperature conditions, while fluorescent lights are notorious for not working properly in cold winters. So, when it comes to outdoor use, fluorescent light is not available. However, the LED lights will be not affected by temperature and can perform well in cold weather.

In addition, LED tube lights has a longer service life. It will save your money on maintenance and replacement. So, for a better lighting choice, you are advised to choose LED tube. For more detailed information about led lights, you are advised to visit our website.