In the end product dominant market share rose steadily home LED tube lighting

24/10/2013 17:44


With the LED tube lighting industry in an increasingly competitive , and ultimately manifested not only the product of the competition , but also segments of the competition. The home lighting as an important segments , one that the field will become the mainstream of the future , while others disagree .

According to industry estimates , the next few years , home lighting will be LED tube lighting  is one of the fastest growing segments , home LED tube lighting this huge market , will undoubtedly attract more businesses of their channels of investment, but also more attractive to dealers attention promising.Home LED tube lighting or a terminal distributor of commercial blue ocean.

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Reporter visited the store discovered through some dealers do have the traditional home lighting LED home lighting stepped up investment .

Group has been to wealthy lighting home lighting based, but on the last year's situation , LED home lighting products accounted for only about 20% overall . Increased investment this year , home LED tube lighting  products more than 35%.

E -Lighting official told reporters that the recent launch of a number of E Home lighting home lighting new products, including LED panel lights, LED ceiling lights and LED crystal . Which, LED panel light price is low, consumers can accept. E Home Lighting future direction of sales will be LED tube lighting  products.