LED bulbs Why businesses keen to net sales

21/10/2013 17:39

E-commerce developed rapidly in recent years , various industries are selling into the network , from the "double eleven " single- day consumption of up to 19.1 billion RMB, is easy to see now the popularity of electronic commerce is rapidly growing , after China Electric business coverage has not yet reached half of China's consumer market . LED bulbs as a new industry , being the popular stage , it is inseparable from online shopping .

In today on the occasion of the LED lighting market turmoil , most LED bulbs manufacturers were to seize the market , not just the traditional channels , but also to develop e-commerce. For now, the development of e-commerce enterprises , the most common , there are two ways: First, cooperation with the electronic business platform , adding more prosperous popular platform for sales , B2C and B2B two-pronged approach , such as Taobao , Alibaba, pat , etc. ; the second is sold separately, do not rely on other commercial platforms , self independent website mall , homegrown . Most LED enterprises are carried out simultaneously , double-sided development, and hope to take the initiative on the network platform , which will help future development .

Why many LED bulbs manufacturers are keen on online sales do ? In fact, a variety of reasons , notably the following :

   1 foreign sales threshold gradually, many countries in order to protect the normal development of domestic LED enterprises , to raise import barriers

   (2) competition in the market is too large, traditional markets are fierce , hard to pick a large single

   3 Internet sales investment funds, manpower is relatively small , quick

   4 traditional markets , LED bulbs less point of sale , not even difficult for consumers to buy

   5 Internet sales shorten the intermediate circulation , no regional restrictions , reducing the sales price of the finished product

   6 For corporate and product publicity and promotion play a role

   7 E-commerce is the future development of a mainstream business , there are certain advantages to enter as soon as possible

Article "LED bulbs why companies keen to network marketing " by the LED bulb finishing post !