LED energy saving lamp testing process

18/10/2013 16:46

LED lamps prepared first to exclude false failures . After a gap of lights flashing , it is not the quality of light . Mainly due to electrical line installation is not standardized , will switch to the zero line caused . As long as the line side of the zero line and the line of fire change what you can . Use with neon switch, turn off the lights still able to form micro- circulation path , or by installing double line switch will cause sometimes after flickering lights . Maintenance led energy saving light , in order to take measures for security applications excellence : isolation transformer to isolate the mains . led energy saving light does not illuminate overhaul two , led energy saving lamps have significantly damaged component overhaul . Maintenance led energy saving lamps for security applications Britain Measures: isolation transformer to isolate the mains . Light-emitting diode, is a solid-state semiconductor devices , which can be converted directly into electricity to light. Heart of the LED tube light is a semiconductor wafer , the wafer is attached to one end of a stent, is the negative side , the other end connected to the positive power supply , so that the whole chip is epoxy encapsulated. Semiconductor chip consists of two parts, part of the P -type semiconductor , the hole in it dominates the other side is an N-type semiconductor, here is mainly electronic . But the two semiconductor connected , when between them to form a PN junction . When the current through the wire on the chip when the electron will be pushed to the P region , in the P zone electron hole recombination , and then will be issued in the form of photon energy , which is the principle of LED light .