LED lighting products ushered in new opportunities

15/10/2013 17:55

In recent years, with the rapid development of LED lighting lighting industry, with beautiful group,  as the representative of the home appliance giants have entered the LED lighting industry. In fact, as early as ten years ago, TCL group, HaierGroup and other household electrical appliance enterprises have set foot in LED lighting industry. Home appliance industry and the LED lighting industry has manysimilarities in the customer, channel and technology, this is also quite a number ofhousehold electrical appliance enterprises to choose one of the reasons for entering the lighting industry.

LED lighting products, more safety, low carbon, environmental pollution less

For users, LED tube lighting  products is the use of cold light technology, heat is much lower than the ordinary lighting products, use for a long time do not have to worry about overheating triggered security problems, is a more stable and reliable products; moreover, compared with the traditional light source, no ultraviolet and infrared light LED lighting release, more health and safety. Compared with thetraditional light source lighting products, LED lighting products, is the power to direct conversion of solar energy, completely without the help of mercury and lead and other auxiliary materials, can eliminate the mercury pollution from the source, to achieve the recycling of waste after use, for environmental protection also have very important significance in non.

The Japanese market, LEDinside found, LED increase the luminous efficiency lightingas soon as possible to achieve LED, LED lighting market demand mostly from ordercommercial space or indoor lighting, scattered, and did not see the massivesubsidies, makes the LED tube lighting quotation decline significantly, in the case of Japan, the LED tube lighting  in 2010 the retail price at about $40, the minimum retail priceto $18, the decline was so that consumers feel, because after the earthquake in Japan LED lighting power brownouts policy makes the increasing demand, the second quarter of this year LED lighting permeability in Japan has more than 30%.However, to the end of the third quarter of this year the summer power rationing measures is relaxed, whether the market demand can maintain is worth a look.

More and more large hotels, supermarkets, warehouse or factory, public buildingssuch as the library, hospital, school, began to use LED lighting equipment or participate in energy-saving system. With the rapid development of LED tube lighting  technology, LED lighting products to replace traditional light sources and lamps,widely used in daily life.

GCL new development only 3 mm lamp is a new product of LED lighting LED lightinglighting effects, it is 7 times the ordinary energy-saving lamps. This is only 3 mm in diameter beads is currently on the market the smallest LED lighting products, mainly used in the field of flat panel display, new product not only the light effect is improved,every hour of electricity saving 30%.