LED lights when we can reduce the net worth into the ordinary family?

18/12/2013 17:35

 LED energy saving lamp is not only high brightness, long life, and energy-saving fluorescent lamps and more than ordinary energy saving of about 40 %. 1 watt LED energy-saving lights, equivalent to 5 watts of energy-saving fluorescent lamps, 10 -watt incandescent . Regrettably, though these  LED  Tube lights have been available for several years, but the general public is still very difficult to enter the family . One expert said that the price is high , the quality is uneven, there is no reason related to a number of government subsidies are restricting the LED energy saving lamp into an ordinary family , the urgent need to change this situation .

Bai Causeway Road, Nankai District , Tianjin , who lives near Lee last weekend with a two -year energy-saving lamp is broken, he heard that LED  Tube lights are now better than energy-saving lamps , so the supermarkets want to buy one. But let him not think that the LED  Tube lights on the shelves stocked only one brand of two kinds of models. Taking into account the large living room area of ​​the house , Lee wanted to buy a 5 watt , but one look at the price startled him : price of 80 yuan each , than before the full energy-saving lamps used six times more expensive . In desperation, he spent 15 yuan to buy an energy-saving lamps. Lee said ,  LED  Tube lights, energy efficient, but the current price is too high, he can not afford . Did not like the industry department policies related to subsidies to promote energy-saving lamps when originally it?
With questions raised by Mr. Lee , the reporter consulted the relevant personnel Tianjin Energy Conservation Association . The other told reporters this summer , according to the requirements of their national authorities to carry out an  LED  Tube lights lamp offers fairs , buyers can enjoy a certain amount of state subsidies . However, buyers are faced units and enterprises , face -resident individuals ; ordinary citizens to buy LED tube lights if the current level in terms of policy -related subsidies can not enjoy .
Reporters learned that some producers seek to maximize the benefits of the use of  LED  Tube lights , put the prices are very high , but did not think the general public does not buy it , very few sales. A large supermarket staff, due to the  LED  Tube lights manufacturer provided the price is high, coupled with the supermarket should increase, with the result that the current price is higher than a lot of energy-saving lamps . He took the place on the shelves of incandescent bulbs, energy saving lamps and LED lights Price Comparison said: 40 watt incandescent bulb is only 2 yuan each , 10 -watt energy-saving lamps are each priced at $ 15, while the 5 -watt  LED  Tube lights price 80 yuan , ordinary people certainly will not spend such a high purchase price .
A related company official told reporters , although the country has been the promotion of  LED  Tube lights more than two years , but in terms of household consumption is still slow. In addition to the price factor , some small manufacturers shoddy substandard products disrupt the market is also an important reason. For example, some small factories producing low-quality  LED  Tube lights multi-purpose radiator , it will affect the life of  LED  Tube lights. In addition, some of the high brightness of the lights should be made ​​of metal , but the use of inexpensive PC products, but also error-prone . The official recommendations: national authorities should promptly introduced for ordinary families to buy  LED  Tube lights preferential measures to encourage people to buy ; For some small businesses produce substandard products , the relevant departments should be strictly punished , to clean up the market .