Market capacity is becoming saturated LED lighting stores to go to where ?

18/10/2013 17:27


With the rise of LED lighting industry , LED lighting supermarkets mushrooming , lighting stores are being built around the competition after another, the smoke , the crisis gradually Chung . Around staking type of expansion , making the stores fade saturation. Throughout China electronics stores, Gome and Suning formed side by side poles super chain stores , lighting stores still groping can learn whether this pattern aspect development ? Lighting stores nationwide will go where ? Turn to what kind of way of development ?

Brand into the inevitable trend of intensification

Throughout the course of development of circulation industry in developed countries , store brand , intensive, service is an inevitable trend , the higher the gold content of the store brands , store quality is stronger, more perfect service guarantee , the more obvious comparative advantage , its comprehensive competitiveness the stronger . So that it can in the fierce market competition for survival and development. In the future, the professional will be increasing the size of supermarkets , service increasingly standardized, lighting hypermarket will form their own brands in the market share will get bigger and bigger .


LED lighting stores in the current increasingly competitive situation , LED store only according to the regional needs , peer status , with its own shape to create their own advantages and avoid the homogenization of competition, and enhance their competitiveness in order to survive in battle .


LED lighting stores from "business product" to the "business services" and " business consumer " change, more scientific view of the dialectical relationship between brand and service , focus on credit and service business ; store functions, namely trading functions , service functions , display function and feelings functional building gradually improved and strengthened ; brand benefits and economies of scale become increasingly evident.


With the intensification of LED lighting stores and brand development direction in the future , may also appear as Gome, Suning such a large lighting stores .


He moved to second and third tier cities


For lighting stores nationwide , the contrarian expansion is inevitable. The supermarkets are constantly occupying enclosure toward no maximum , only the larger pattern development . Begging in the volumetric capacity of the supermarkets ahead of the opponent, and then work fine , and this is in line with China 's national conditions.


According to reporter observed , the current lighting stores nationwide contrarian expansion gangbusters, in first-tier cities , a few lighting stores , all stores are targeting the operators of this big cake tier cities , the existing lighting stores are the capital city as the core , is has shown great saturation. Thus , lighting hypermarket operators to second and third tier urban sprawl becomes an option , the transfer target customer is greater change. Meanwhile, in the second and third tier markets , does not seem to amount to anything few hypermarkets , specialty stores or small stores are based. With the gradual popularization of LED , second and third tier markets lighting consumption potential , therefore , lighting hypermarkets to second and third tier cities bracketing occupation become an inevitable trend. Second and third tier cities in spending power has emerged , the county 's spending power no less than first-tier cities , so the lighting market is the market hypermarkets into the second and third war inevitable.


Throughout the country Lighting circulation , stores sales channels not only from the capital city to prefecture-level cities , prefecture-level cities and county-level cities are to penetrate sinking stepwise mode , which seems to imply that the entire market is undergoing a format huge change. Some have focused their attention on a second-tier cities enterprises have gradually accelerated the pace of channel sink , or in the second and third tier cities Kaijiangtuotu . In these emerging markets , stores and businesses are exploring new profit model , in order to occupy more market share.