Teach you to buy parsing LED blue lights

10/09/2013 14:20

 Use energy saving LED blue lights is a way , it has not as incandescent and fluorescent tubes strange results.

But the human eye is not as people imagine it, you can adapt to all LED lights. But consumers need to know is that each lamp has a security level and risk level . Learn some of the necessary knowledge and standards , not only to help manufacturers and lighting designers better make a choice between different levels , but also allow consumers to make rational judgments.
LED blue lights  it really harmful ?
LED blue lights  from the high-energy short-wave blue light, blue light damage in the LED on the question of the industry and experts ' opinions are not entirely consistent.
Blue light exists in nature , is an important component of sunlight , the white light source , there are also various . Led lamps on the market a lot , through the chip emits blue light , yellow phosphor excited to reconcile into a white light . This white led blue spectrum lighting products richer than other light sources . Generally believed that exposure to blue light within a few hours will not hurt the eye , but the perennial exposure may cause cumulative damage.
There viewpoint put forward possible age-related macular degeneration and LED and so on.
" Recent studies have shown that blue light spectrum may cause retinal damage , and may even lead to age- related macular degeneration ." American Macular Degeneration Foundation , said, " retina will be high-intensity visible blue or violet light damage , these lights can penetrate the eye in the macular pigment . Schepens Eye Research Institute according to a study of the macular pigment density makes more penetrating blue , which reflects the increased risk of age -related macular degeneration . "
The objection is that this argument is still no strong evidence to support .
"I added LED blue lights will increase the risk of age -related macular degeneration was very surprised . Blu-ray exposure to the sun much more than this , " says an American ophthalmologist . " From a physical point of view , high-energy blue light or ultraviolet light can cause eye damage , but this must be in childhood when exposed to sunlight in the case , because then these rays to reach the retina , which means there will be a a long incubation period , it is far earlier than the age- related macular degeneration is found before . "